Happy Birthday to me.
This is my last entry for a while. It is the last day of the school term and who knows when I shall have Internet access again? I shall have a nice peaceful summer. I shall stay up late and sleep in and go to music festivals. I'll go visit my family and my dog. I'll go walking in Yorkshire and bask in the sunshine.
I see a glorious six weeks of blissfulness stretch out in front of me, shining and golden. I don’t wish to make people working in this heat feel bad but it is my birthday and I’m allowed to feel happy about everything. I’m all on my own as some people feel that going to Wales for the week during their significant other’s birthday is acceptable. I don’t mind really. I got some lovely prints this morning and there are still presents hidden around the house to find. It just means I’m alone until this evening until I go to my old flatmate’s for a drink and a Chinese later this evening.
Everyone but everyone must come to visit me during the summer. Just let me know when- all are welcome, anytime. (Unless I’m in Yorkshire or any of the above places. Best to check first.) In fact, it is an order. I haven’t seen some of you for years. Actual years!
Anyway. Goodbye for the summer. I hope everyone who is working has a fun-filled stress-free time. Until September……..
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