Any suggestions?

"Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So...this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you as well pack it in. Game over."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I can't begin to explain how shit today has been so far. I can't really have a rant about it, since I'm sure slagging off your colleagues on an online diary must be unprofessional on some level. Let's just say I have been embarrassed and belittled and if this outbreak of amnesia is due to psychological strain then, sweet Jesus up a tree, I’m due a relapse. I’m only managing to get on with this because this is the first moment I have been left alone, despite only having one lesson so far.

I was in quite a jovial mood yesterday afternoon. I was all ready to come in today and do a bit of work, sort out memos to my forms class teachers, as well potter on the Internet, write a nice long entry on this. I would probably have discussed Shabaz, in more detail than I will now, ( Big Brother, Sorry- I know it’s all trendy these days to pretend we are above it all, it’s a horrid vulgar programme and I’ve got my own life, I don’t need to watch some saddos sit about in a house doing sweet Fanny Adams all day- but who are we kidding?) who has nearly given me an ulcer in one short week.

I honestly didn’t think I was capable of finding someone quite so abhorrent and exasperating. It makes for good television but it seems to make me shout a lot, much to a living companion’s chagrin. Apparently, the neighbours can hear me. I’m sorry but the man is repugnant, even taking into account a level exhibitionism and attention-seeking common in such programmes. Is his ploy to accuse everyone of being racist and homophobic until they crack, give in and become homophobes and racists just to shut him up, or possibly brain him? It would seem so.

Alas, of course, he is gone now, much to the relief of partner and neighbours, no doubt, alike. I am left with Nikki to mock, whose voice has the quality of a cross between a whining year 10 girl and a kitten being grated.

I must leave you now, before I am busted, as it were, by the powers that shame and humiliate. May your working environment be infinitely more enjoyable than mine.