Any suggestions?

"Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So...this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you as well pack it in. Game over."

Friday, April 28, 2006

I have just been showing a recent BBC adaptation of “Great Expectations” to an irresolute and restless year 10. It’s Friday and let’s face it, I’m as lazy as they are. I was quite happily engrossed in entertainment when who should turn up playing the despicable, Dickensian Lawyer, Jaggers, than Ian McDiamid.

I of course exclaimed “ Emperor Palpatine!”, with some force and was rewarded by a sea of goggle-eyed and mystified young faces.

“Star Wars?” I continued, unabashed, met with steely stares and flared nostrils.

“He’s the Dark Lord of the Sith? A senator in the new films? He’s in all of them.” Nothing.

“Anakin’s friend. For the love of God, he can make lightning come out of his fingers!” Only the barest of murmurs is audible.

“Are you honestly telling me none of you have seen ANY Star Wars films?”
“Nah Miss”

They looked at me as if I were the most tiresome and unreserved geek they had had the displeasure of conversing with and continued with their nattering, applying of lip gloss and hormonal jostling, poking and general mucking about, completely oblivious to their deplorable lack of knowledge. The day I attempt to discuss Star Wars with a group of mostly 15 year-old boys, and hit a brick wall, is a sad one indeed.

Not two seconds hence and who is it playing Jaggers’ housekeeper and Estella’s long lost mother but, Laila Morse (ne Maureen Oldman), Big Mo from Eastenders.

The shouts of recognition and delight must have been audible in the next classroom. I attempted to inform the young layabouts that the woman who had animated them in a way I had considered impossible for lunchtime on a Friday, was Gary Oldman’s sister.

Blank faces. I give up.