I wonder if anyone would notice if I started writing this again? It seems unlikey, since, in fact, no one noticed when I was writing twice a week. Oh well. So far today I have had Years 7, 8,9 and 10 and watched most of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi. Sing yay for Christmas.
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- It is really rather hot. Normally, at this time of...
- Today has been much like last Monday, except with ...
- I have just experienced three of the most stressfu...
- I got the job. This means, for those of you who ar...
- Suit bought. Trains checked. Lesson planned and ex...
- I apologise for my prolonged absence. What with th...
- Christmas and Easter have been and gone since last...
- I forgot to say yesterday- another pupil, in the s...
- As part of their coursework, my year 10s are curre...

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